Monday, 7 October 2013

WTF Tattoos!

Weird and funny hipster tattooHipsters are a mystery to all but themselves. We try to understand them, but the ways of the hipster are pretty strange. They try to out-cool each other constantly, but being thought of as 'cool' is looked down upon in their community. They love bright, tight clothing (especially if it comes from American Apparel or, better yet, a thrift store) and weird tattoos.

If you're thinking of becoming a hipster, you'll need to think of some peculiar -- and sometimes funny -- tattoo ideas. Hipsters pride themselves on having unique tattoos that they thought up all on their own, often choosing "ironic" or unexpected imagery to make a point.

What that point is, we're not exactly sure. We do know one thing: at least they're having fun. Here are 10 pictures of weird and humorous hipster tattoos.

                                   1-   The stinkiest cupcakes ever.

                                       2-What will she tell her kids about this one?

                                                   3-The most gangster Ben Franklin ever.
Weird and funny hipster tattoo

                               4-The Black Flag logo out of PBR's, a hipster's favorite beer.
Weird and funny hipster tattoo

                                                    5-Where's her other nipple?
Weird and funny hipster tattoo

                                       6-Remember, you get what you pay for.
Weird and funny hipster tattoo

                                                 7-A fixed gear bike and a mullet.
Weird and funny hipster tattoo

                                         8-Those hip tattoos must be one of a kind.
Weird and funny hipster tattoo

                                                          9-Thug life vs. hug life.
Weird and funny hipster tattoo

                        10-What kind of baby would a unicorn and a dolphin make, anyway?


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